Acquisition and use of personal information

1. Acquisition and use of personal information

  • Acquisition of personal information by Hirose is in accordance with applicable laws and fair practices.
  • Hirose utilizes personal information in the carrying out of its business activities within the scope of the purpose of use indicated at the time the information was acquired.
  • When Hirose entrusts the handling of personal information to a third party, an investigation of said third party is conducted beforehand and appropriate supervision is performed to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.

2. Provision of personal information to third parties

  • Unless stipulated by law, Hirose does not disclose personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the person(s) concerned.

3. Management of personal information

  • Hirose manages personal information to maintain its accuracy and ensure its safety.
  • Hirose takes appropriate security measures against unauthorized access, computer viruses, etc., to prevent loss, destruction, or leakage of personal information.

4. Disclosure, correction, use suspension, or deletion of personal information

  • Hirose recognizes that the person(s) concerned have the right to request disclosure, correction, use suspension, or deletion of their personal information. Hirose complies with such requests promptly and without demur.

5. System

  • Hirose trains its officers and employees in appropriate methods for the protection and management of personal information to ensure comprehensively the proper handling of such information in our daily operations.
  • Hirose has established a Personal Information Protection Compliance Program (including these policies, "Personal Information Protection Rules," and other rules and regulations) to ensure implementation of these policies; the above is disseminated to all Hirose employees and relevant persons, implemented, maintained, and continuously improved.

(Current as of April 1st, 2022)

Seiichi Hirano, President
4-1-13 Toyo Koto-ku
Tokyo, Japan 135-0016